About Us
AO3 is all about Plant Based Omega 3 Oil. The benefits of Omega 3 on skin are well documented. It’s anti-inflammatory, rejuvenates, restores elasticity, moisturizes, etc. However, Omega 3 oil is absent or at least very limited in the Skin and Hair Care products. The main reason is because almost all sources of Omega 3 Oil has been from sea animals, namely fish. Omega 3 Oil from fish smells and “oily.” Well, not anymore!!! We, at AO3, have found highly concentrated, single sourced, plant-based Omega 3 oil. We extract our Omega 3 Oil utilizing a low temperature Cold Press Process. Our Oil has no smell and is not “oily,” instead it’s refreshing to rub on to the skin and hair. AO3 Facial Serum and Hair Oil will revolutionize the Skin and Hair care. Concentration level of Omega 3 (Alpha Linolenic Acid) is anywhere between 40% to 57%.
Most people are aware of the benefits of Omega 3 when consumed. But through research and speaking with experts, we discovered the amazing benefits of Omega 3 when applied onto the skin and hair. Unfortunately, Omega 3 oil was not being marketed in Skin Care industry because “99%" of its source were from FISH!
AO3 is born from this “necessity” and void. We present to the Skin Care industry a new, natural, plant-based Omega 3 oil that will unleash these amazing benefits.
AO3 partnered with one of the biggest Korean manufacturers in the Skin Care industry to develop products based on our plant-based Omega 3 oil. We are introducing our first three products: Facial Sheet Mask, Facial Serum, and Hair Oil. We are currently working on additional products, such as, Facial Cleanser, Creams, Shampoo and others to be introduced on a later date.
AO3 also partnered with a leading Professor of Chemistry from the most prestigious University in Korea to develop and enhance our plant-based Omega 3 oil even further. These new advanced formulas are in research and will be introduced in a later date.
We are presenting our new innovative products through Department Stores, boutiques and other fine Skin Care and Cosmetic retailers in the US. And our online presence will be through our own website and carefully vetted online retailers.
AO3 is based out of Los Angeles, California.
Our Mission
It is our on-going commitment to explore and bring our new found Plant-Based Omega 3 and its benefits to hair and skincare. We strive to thoughtfully procure Omega 3 along with other
formulations in order to present the highest quality products that deliver results.